SARAH ELLIS was born in Vancouver and although she has travelled and lived elsewhere she always misses the sea and the rain and has to come home. As a child she read everything in sight and when she grew up she was lucky enough to find a career where reading is allowed. During her years as a children’s librarian she discovered a delight in performing -- in puppetry and storytelling. At the same time she became interested in writing about children’s books, spending a year at The Center for the Study of Children’s Literature at Simmons College in Boston. She now reviews children’s books for Quill and Quire, The Hornbook, and occasionally for The New York Times. She lectures internationally on Canadian children’s books and has travelled to Japan, Venezuela, England, Ireland and various Canadian and American locations in this role. She began writing her own fiction in a spirit of curiosity. Could she do it? Twenty some books later she is well and truly hooked.
When she is not telling stories, whether on paper or in the air, Sarah gives readings in schools and libraries, gardens, cooks, reads, plays the ukulele, goes for long-distance walks and potters around the basement.
Awards include the Governor General’s Award for Literature, The Mr. Christie Book Award, The Sheila A. Egoff Award and the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award.
Sarah writes pictures books, middle grade fiction and some non-fiction. Her latest book is Dodger Boy.
For a list of her books please see her website.